Tuesday, October 5, 2010

this better work...im running out of ideas!

(image from somewhere on the internet that i forgot to write down...in fact, i dont note where i get most of my images. a bad habit i am currently addressing)

before this past summer, I have never had a problem falling and/or staying asleep.  in fact, i used to be able to sleep anywhere.  

unfortunately, since around late may/early june of this year, i've been suffering from some pretty awful insomnia.  at first, i would go to bed around midnight and toss and turn until 3 or 4 in the morning maybe 4 times a week.  after a while, i would wake up later (around 10/11am instead of my usual 8/9am), and due to my study schedule of 10-14 hours of studying a day, i stopped running.  because i didnt run, my body was never tired and my insomnia worsened.  
fast forward to recent months. my insomnia is getting better...i think.  i have trouble falling asleep maybe twice a week, but stay up until 6/7am when i do.  i then messed up my sleeping pattern even further this past weekend when i was a counselor for my church's youth group lock-in.  staying up all night was NOT a smart move. 

which brings me to tonight! i went to bed exhausted at 7pm and woke up at 1am, and plan to stay awake until midnight tonight! said plan gives me a 23 hour day on 6 hours of sleep. if all goes well, i will go to bed exhausted around midnight and wake up around 8/9am, and thus return myself to a healthy sleeping pattern!!!! 

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