Friday, October 22, 2010

post-grad musings

im starting to see the frettings of the college seniors on facebook, and im kind of amused.  i remember exactly those feelings of not wanting to leave the safe, cozy nest of undergrad life: the fear, anxiety, and excitement.  now, on the other side, it's funny to see those same feelings in others, smile, and think that it's not so bad on this side of commencement.  i think senior year is so pivotal if only because it proves that letting go may be the scariest thing to do and, at the same time, the only way to move forward.

im currently feeling the forward movement in my life very distinctly. granted, it's not the most fun i've ever had, but i actually feel myself growing up and doing things that are directly bringing me closer to my goals and dreams.

that being said, i still miss college and would go back in a heartbeat.

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